ELK Basics

What is Log analysis? Why we need it? In this article, we are going to see an overview of ELK stacks. What exactly is ELK stack and its components, and what log analysis means! Let us consider you have hundreds of servers that you support…

Containers – Simple Definition

Why Containerization? In this article, we will try to understand the need of containerization in simple terms. Unlike the traditional method of provisioning and managing the resources, the technology advancement has brought as a situation where companies are moving towards or already managing their infrastructure…

Istio Service Mesh

Introduction Istio is nothing but the implementation of Service mesh. What is a Service mesh then! Service Mesh is a solution that manages communication between microservices. However, in which way, the service mesh is different from the existing services used for communication in microservices, is…

Data Lake

What is Data Lake? Data lake is a place where all sort of data are stored or ingested in order to perform any kind of data analytics, business intelligence, machine learning, data warehousing etc.   Why should burpee exercise we use Data lake? For the…